How Segregated Witness Is About to Fix Hardware Wallets

Bitcoin Corelaunched its latest software unloosen final week, which includes a proposed SegregatedWitness soft fork. If a bulk of miners dot back upwards for the proposal, Segregated Witness volition activate on the Bitcoin network — possibly equally presently equally December. This would offering several benefits, including an effective block size boundary increase, a malleability cook together with more.

A lesser known produce goodness is that input amounts of transactions  — the total of bitcoins beingness sent  — volition for the root fourth dimension move cryptographically signed past times users: a minor change, but according to Ledger CTO Nicolas Bacca, “this fixes ane of the biggest issues hardware wallets are faced amongst today.”

Input amounts

All Bitcoin transactions ship bitcoins from “inputs” to “outputs,” where inputs specify from which Bitcoin-addresses bitcoins are sent, together with outputs cite to receiving addresses.

Naturally, all inputs must incorporate at to the lowest degree equally many bitcoins equally all outputs. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 sender can’t create bitcoins out of sparse air.

In fact, however, inputs typically incorporate slightly to a greater extent than bitcoins than the outputs. That departure is the mining fee. So if all inputs are worth ane BTC, together with all outputs are worth 0.999 BTC, whomever mines the transaction tin sack attribute himself the remaining 0.001 BTC.

But currently there’s an strange quirk. While outputs specifically incorporate explicit amounts, inputs produce not. That’s non actually a problem, because each input relies on a previous transaction. Bitcoin wallets tin sack thence expect upwards how much a specific input contains past times checking the blockchain.

The exception is hardware wallets, Bacca explained to Bitcoin Magazine:

“Hardware wallets don’t shop the entire blockchain, nor produce they receive got access to the Bitcoin network directly. Instead, to collect the transaction history, they connect to software that does. They connect to the Bitcoin network through wallets running on desktop computers, for instance. Or web-wallets.”

In many ways, this is non a problem. The hardware wallet generates a transaction, spending a for sure total of bitcoins to for sure addresses. Only if the user actually wants to ship this total of bitcoins to these addresses, volition he sign the transaction. There is no endangerment of sending equally good many funds to the outputs.

But this soundless leaves opened upwards the endangerment of a “fee attack,” Bitcoin Core and Digital Bitbox developer, Jonas Schnelli, told Bitcoin Magazine:

“As a uncomplicated example, let’s enjoin your figurer is compromised past times a Trojan horse. When sending funds from your hardware wallet, this Trojan Equus caballus increases the input amounts, or adds extra inputs, without revealing this to the user. Through the hardware wallet, the user together with so confirms that the outputs banking company check out, equally produce the output amounts, together with signs the transaction. Little does he know, the inputs contained much to a greater extent than bitcoins than needed for the transactions; possibly fifty-fifty all bitcoins stored on the hardware wallet. All these bitcoins are together with so all attributed to the miner, equally a huge fee.”

While possibly unlikely, this endangerment defeats an of import purpose of hardware wallets. After all, the sentiment is that these devices cannot move hacked into, fifty-fifty if used inward combination amongst an insecure computer.

Segregated Witness

A countermeasure to this “fee attack” does exist. Hardware wallets tin sack fetch a previous transaction from the blockchain through the software it connects to, hash the output amounts, together with compare this amongst hashes of the input amounts of the novel transaction.

But, Trezor architect Marek “Slush” Palatinus explained, “these solutions are crazy complex together with slow.” And due to express computational resources inward hardware wallets, inward approximately cases they are non fifty-fifty viable. “Transactions that include lots of inputs or outputs, similar payouts from mining pools or faucets, tin sack receive got upwards to ane threescore minutes to calculate,” Palatinus said.

Segregated Witness offers a improve solution.

Segregated Witness moves the cryptographic signatures to a form of “add-on” role of a transaction: the “Witness.” This inward itself is non of import for hardware wallets. But equally the signature information is beingness moved anyway, changing how wallets read them, Bitcoin Core developers decided to slightly alter how the signatures are generated equally well.

Specifically, the input amounts — spell soundless non role of the transaction itself — are signed. In a way, these input amounts give-up the ghost “part of” the cryptographic signature. As such, a hardware wallet user volition alone sign for specific amounts of bitcoins to move sent — amongst no ask to give-up the ghost through a complex together with irksome process, together with amongst no endangerment of sending equally good many funds. (If a Trojan Equus caballus would assay to alter the input total afterward it is signed, the transaction would move considered invalid past times Bitcoin nodes.)

If Segregated Witness is activated, it would move relatively piece of cake to upgrade all existing hardware wallets to utilize this option. Ledger has already updated Ledger’s code-base, spell Trezor together with Digital Bitbox integration should move ready if together with when the soft fork activates.

“Segregated Witness is non but well-nigh scaling,” Palatinus emphasized. “There are other issues amongst Bitcoin nether the hood, together with SegWit opens potential for applications together with use-cases that are non possible today. For those who intend alone bigger blocks volition salve bitcoin’s telephone substitution rate, together with for miners who are going to create upwards one's hear on whether or non they should adopt SegWit, this is of import to understand.”

For a to a greater extent than detailed technical explanation, see this articleby Ledger’s Nicolas Bacca.

The post How Segregated Witness Is About to Fix Hardware Wallets appeared root on Bitcoin Magazine.

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