Cyberfunks Alliance for the Unbanked Uses Play to Promote Bitcoin Adoption

Some Bitcoin marketers together with advocates receive got conflated majority adoption amongst majority appeal; the two, however, are non the same.

That’s according to Reynaldo Poullard, founder of Austin-based non-profit Cyberfunks Alliance, which volition live belongings its initiative resultant series, Bitcoin Awakens, on Nov 6, inward partnership amongst the Central Texas Food Bank inward East Austin. With roughly 46,000 Central Texans, one-third of them children, lacking nutritious nutrient each week, the funds raised during the resultant volition assist them gain access to nutrient that they wouldn’t otherwise live able to afford.

The concept behind the Cyberfunks Alliance is to laid upwardly a broad-based, widely accessible network of urban, tech-savvy Bitcoin enthusiasts that tin assist yoke the gap betwixt Bitcoin technology, the unbanked together with the underbanked. They aim to accomplish this past times promoting bitcoin literacy through a fun-filled peril where storytelling, teamwork together with game play is the enterprise of the day.

Tapping into the Unbanked together with Underbanked Markets

Speaking to Bitcoin Magazine, Poullard said that when people speak over issues regarding the unbanked, it tends to live inward the context of developing countries.

“While they annotation accurately the high smartphone penetration, they pigment pictures of places amongst piteous infrastructure that receive got lilliputian to no network access, people that speak lilliputian to no English linguistic communication together with that receive got marginal economical development,” he said.

However, land he states that inward sure enough aspects they may live right, for the role of bitcoin adoption, this is tantamount to plumbing equipment foursquare pegs into circular holes. This is peculiarly pertinent when in that location are xl 1000000 unbanked Americans together with some other 49 1000000 that are underbanked inward the country, according to Federal Reserve statistics from Apr 2015.

“These are people who are tech-savvy, social-media savvy, smartphone users,” said Poullard. “A prime number demographic for bitcoin usage together with almost none of them are fifty-fifty aware this engineering scientific discipline exists.”

Reaching out to the xl 1000000 American smartphone users that don’t receive got banking enterprise accounts is non a affair of bringing multifariousness into Bitcoin, it’s only proficient business, according to Poullard. Yet, despite $1.1 billion inward venture uppercase existence poured into the infinite every bit of May 2016, this is a occupation that has gone unaddressed together with patently ignored inward the Bitcoin space.

As of 2009, one-half of the workers inward the footing earned a living inward the informal economy, which is an economic scheme that is neither taxed nor monitored past times whatsoever shape of government, together with that figure is growing. It is predicted that 2 thirds of the world’s workforce, or 2.4 billion people, volition live unbanked past times 2020, according to Robert Neuwirth the writer of The Stealth Of Nations: The Global Rise of the Informal Economy.

“In essence, the efforts to exercise bitcoin commutation trace of piece of work organization models is an do inward futility,” said Poullard. “In other words, unbanked is the novel banked.”

A 2015 weblog from GfK, a marketplace position together with consumer data website, constitute that land mobile banking wins big, it is the underbanked — younger generations, minorities together with those amongst depression levels of income —  who are the most connected, amongst 66 percentage owning a smartphone, but who don’t exercise a traditional fiscal institution.

According to Poullard, of the transcend 10 largest unbanked/underbanked cities inward the U.S., the transcend iii are inward Texas: El Paso, Dallas together with Houston.

He believes, however, that it volition live slow to yoke the gap because most Bitcoin evolution together with adoption efforts are taking identify inward the U.S., together with until the Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure is built out, humans volition live the primary users of this technology.

As money is the biggest marketplace position in that location is, Bitcoin has the potential to upend the entire fiscal system. The loop volition only live unopen in ane lawsuit again people select bitcoin, making fiat currency unnecessary together with undesired.

During the lastly major bitcoin cost growth inward 2013, the narrative was close achieving mainstream or majority adoption, according to Poullard. He states, however, that most inward the infinite receive got conflated the two.

“Mass appeal way that your target marketplace position tin together with does exercise your product, land majority adoption way that those within your target market, exterior of it, addition so-called “undesirables” exercise it every bit well,” he said.

However, despite Bitcoin’s existence since 2009, majority adoption has yet to live achieved. Not only that, but it seems every bit though the bitcoin tradeshow model volition non live plenty to growth adoption. According to the Cyberfunks Alliance, the Bitcoin protocol, similar the network earlier it, holds the hope of becoming the side past times side disruptive engineering scientific discipline of the digital age. Yet amongst a protocol that is non slow to grasp for the average layperson, these tech-heavy conferences tin acquire out people amongst to a greater extent than unanswered questions than what they arrived with. The worry together with so is that Bitcoin’s protocol volition stay a hope unfulfilled.

Speaking to Bitcoin Magazine, Fred Constantinesco, co-founder of the Cyberfunks Alliance, said that adoption attempts frequently neglect because they either brand things likewise complicated for the average smartphone user, or later on instruction people, they don’t follow upwardly amongst to a greater extent than information. “Giving someone a wallet together with a little amount of bitcoin is great, but it won’t Pb to adoption alone.”

Utilizing the Power of Play

How hit you lot acquire large groups of non-technical people to empathise a technically complicated subject?

The Cyberfunks Alliance hopes to accomplish this through their event, Bitcoin Awakens. Their mission is to assist people alter the way they perceive together with exercise bitcoin through the mightiness of play.

In teams of three, players volition compete inward fifteen quests together inward camaraderie on a digital currency obstruction course of written report that is a parody of scenarios from the Stars Wars universe.

Teams volition solve challenges related to the bitcoin network based on v rudimentary noesis areas: the value of digits; monetary theory; opened upwardly rootage software; decentralization/distributed networks; together with populace key cryptography.

“We decided to exercise [what3words] to heighten our game mechanics together with brand things to a greater extent than compelling, novel [and] fun,” said Poullard. “In the story arc, teams must solve challenges together with are rewarded amongst clues inward the shape of 3-word coordinates.”

The geo-locating platform what3words has mapped out a global grid of 57 trillion 3m past times 3m squares that tin furnish addressing capability inward lieu of traditional geographic latitude-longitude coordinates. Each foursquare on the grid is identified amongst an easy-to-recall 3-word sequence.

Players earn clues together with larn close bitcoin engineering scientific discipline land conducting blockchain transactions required to unlock coordinates to diverse obstacles.

“Each clue leads similar a breadcrumb trail dorsum to the concluding challenge together with the victory party,” said Poullard.

The concluding challenge inward award of Satoshi Nakamoto, the mysterious creator of the Bitcoin protocol, is to honor a hole-and-corner location.

Unlike a typical Bitcoin conference, syas Poullard, Cyberfunks Alliance is an resultant serial together with non a one-off, annual conference, so they don’t receive got the same constraints together with tin ideally hit ane exhibit a week.

“We’re providing a crash course, hands-on, trial-by-fire bitcoin sense that’s epic, lucrative together with fun,” he said. “Lots of conferences receive got the same speakers, speak close the same topics, on a conference carousel that features content ane could easily eat via YouTube from the comfort of their ain home.”

According to the Cyberfunks Alliance, popular culture, to a greater extent than than anything else, is America’s greatest export. They believe tapping into that volition drive bitcoin’s majority adoption. Think Snapchat or the Pokémon Go phenomenon.

“When Pokémon gets to a greater extent than children playing exterior inward ane weekend than Michelle Obama did inward 8 years, you lot tin meet that the mightiness of play works,” said Constantinesco. “Getting people to exercise bitcoin is okay, [but] getting people to choke on using bitcoin is the issue.”

The Cyberfunks Alliance has listed a shop through OpenBazaar, allowing people to donate to the Central Texas Food Bank amongst 100 percentage of bitcoin donations going forthwith to the Food Bank. They tin also purchase tickets to the Bitcoin Awakens resultant for $99.00, amongst 10 percentage of the purchase ticket cost going to hunger-relief charity, amongst no processing fee or middleman involved, making it an ideal donation platform.

The post Cyberfunks Alliance for the Unbanked Uses Play to Promote Bitcoin Adoption appeared get-go on Bitcoin Magazine.

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